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A look back at 2020 and the year ahead

MPSF Board Member

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Willits, CA – March 27, 2021: While we’ve been quiet this past year, the Public Safety Foundation has not been idle. The coronavirus pandemic impacted people in many ways, changing how we do things. Our last in-person quarterly board meeting was held in January 2020, with several remote written board actions in the months following, and Zoom teleconference meetings commencing in October. A summary of Board of Directors and Ex-Officio Advisors activity to date:

  1. $3,500 was approved for purchase of 30 non-contact thermometers for use by law enforcement early in the pandemic, when it was difficult to get this needed equipment.

  2. $2,550 was contributed at the request of the Community Foundation for endowment funding to match an estate gift, which the donor intended as a scholarship to support Mendocino County graduates in pursuit of a career in law enforcement or probation. The fund is to produce one $1,000 scholarship a year in perpetuity.

  3. The Safe Kids HERO training program was delayed until the three selected school districts can re-open; meanwhile, our consultant and superintendent of schools kept us informed of status and updates. The program is as relevant as ever, if not more so, and we look forward to restarting this three-year pilot.

  4. The year’s spotlight on racial justice issues was discussed, covering questions, concerns and how current national events compare to local conditions; all agreed that this conversation and hearing from the community are important to continue.

  5. Research into innovative approaches to mental health service needs was shared, such as Mobile Outreach Preventive Services (MOPS) and a partnership program in Oregon known as Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets (CAHOOTS).

  6. Recruitment of qualified personnel was an ongoing issue for our law enforcement partners, and strategies for meeting this need were revisited. In January 2021, up to $5,000 was authorized for a recruitment ad campaign in

We value the support of our members and donors who make this work possible. As an all-volunteer organization, fundraising is limited to meeting law enforcement needs as they arise. The Mendocino Public Safety Foundation looks forward to working with the community in 2021 and beyond. Thank you!

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