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MPSF Board Member

“AVATAR” Robot, new bloodhound and K-9 dogs will be highlights of the first Public Safety Appreciati

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Ukiah, CA – Sept. 16, 2012: Some of the tools that help protect peace officers in their dangerous jobs will be on display at the first Public Safety Appreciation barbecue on Sunday, October 7 at 1 p.m. at the Barra Winery, 7051 N. State Street, Redwood Valley.

Sheriff Tom Allman will greet the public and a full barbecue lunch will be prepared by Ukiah police and fire cadets.

The event is a benefit for the Mendocino Public Safety Foundation, a non-profit that is raising funds to support local law enforcement.

Tickets are $10 per individual and $25 per family and are available at Mendocino Books, Selzer Realty, Schat’s Courthouse Bakery, Harvest Market, and at the door.

Featured entertainment will include a visit by “Avatar,” a tactical robot purchased recently for local police by the Public Safety Foundation. Volunteers from the audience will be invited to drive the robot, which allows police to enter and search crime scenes without endangering lives.

“Red,” a bloodhound purchased this year with assistance of the Foundation, will greet the public. The bloodhound gives the sheriff the ability to track fugitives and lost persons, a need highlighted by events last year.

The barbecue will also feature a demonstration of the sheriff’s K-9 dogs, attacking and restraining a “suspect.”

“This gathering will be fun and it will let folks show their appreciation for our law enforcement professionals,” said Ross Liberty, president of the Public Safety Foundation.

It will also be the first annual meeting for the Foundation, which has more than 200 local donors.

This event  is supported by generous donations of Savings Bank of Mendocino County and Harvest Market.

The Foundation’s website is and the phone is 467-3661.

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